I'm trying to combine two Observables to have few values for the call to service method that accepts two values. But here I have few errors
Argument of type '([filter, sort]: [string, string]) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type '(value: [string, string], index: number) => ObservableInput'. Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'ObservableInput'.
in console -
You provided 'undefined' where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable. at subscribeTo (subscribeTo.js:27) at innerSubscribe (innerSubscribe.js:71) at SwitchMapSubscriber._innerSub (switchMap.js:44) at SwitchMapSubscriber._next (switchMap.js:34) at SwitchMapSubscriber.next (Subscriber.js:49) at CombineLatestSubscriber.notifyNext (combineLatest.js:73) at InnerSubscriber._next (InnerSubscriber.js:11) at InnerSubscriber.next (Subscriber.js:49) at BehaviorSubject._subscribe (BehaviorSubject.js:14) at BehaviorSubject._trySubscribe (Observable.js:42)
Defining Observables and Subjects.
private openSortQuerySubject: BehaviorSubject<string> = new BehaviorSubject<string>(this.formatSortQuery(this.multiSortMeta));
public openSortQuery: Observable<string> = this.openSortQuerySubject.asObservable();
private closedSortQuerySubject: BehaviorSubject<string> = new BehaviorSubject<string>(this.formatSortQuery(this.multiSortMeta));
public closedSortQuery = this.closedSortQuerySubject.asObservable();
Combine observables.
const openQueries$ = combineLatest([this.openFilterQuery, this.openSortQuery]);
const closedQueries$ = combineLatest([this.closedFilterQuery, this.closedSortQuery]);
Use merged values in service method.
switchMap(([filter, sort]) => {
.listAlerts(filter, sort);
tap(v => console.log(v))
.subscribe((openAlerts) => {
this.openAlertsCount = openAlerts.length;
this.openAlerts = this.parseAlerts(openAlerts);
switchMap(([filter, sort]) => {
.listAlerts(filter, sort);
.subscribe((closedAlerts) => {
this.closedAlertsCount = closedAlerts.length;
this.closedAlerts = this.parseAlerts(closedAlerts);
You have to return an observable (or something RxJS knows how to turn into an observable) within a switchMap
Not this:
switchMap(([filter, sort]) => {
this.alertService.listAlerts(filter, sort);
But this (assuming listAlerts
returns an observable, a promise or similar):
switchMap(([filter, sort]) => {
return this.alertService.listAlerts(filter, sort);