I am having trouble with pre-commit and black.
Everything worked fine until I cleared the cache with pre-commit clean
. Now I always get the error
The hook
requires pre-commit version 2.9.2 but version 2.6.0 is installed. Perhaps run `pip install --upgrade pre-commit
If I check my version I am running the latest pre-commmit version (v2.12.1). Also, if I run the recommended command, nothing changes and I get the same error. If I deactivate the black
hook the error disappears, so I at least know it's a problem with black.
I tried changing version of black from stable
to the most recent, but nothing helps.
Any ideas how I can do to troubleshoot this?
My pre-commit config:
- repo: https://github.com/ambv/black
rev: stable
- id: black
language_version: python3.8
exclude: |
Help is greatly appreciated
rev: stable
is not a supported configuration -- when you run you'll also get a warning telling you exactly that:
$ pre-commit run black --all-files
[WARNING] The 'rev' field of repo 'https://github.com/ambv/black' appears to be a mutable reference
(moving tag / branch). Mutable references are never updated after first install and are not
supported. See https://pre-commit.com/#using-the-latest-version-for-a-repository for more details.
Hint: `pre-commit autoupdate` often fixes this.
the warning also tells you the rationale for this and explains the behaviour you saw: mutable references are never updated after first install -- so the version in your cache was from an old old version of black and when you cleared it that got updated to the latest
the latest version of black uses types_or
in its definition which requires a newer version of pre-commit
an aside, your exclude
isn't doing what you want -- pre-commit
only runs on files which are checked into your repository so excluding things like dist
and _build
isn't necessary
to fix the actual error message you're seeing, make sure to pip install --upgrade pre-commit
(and ~potentially pre-commit install
to reset the git hooks if you've moved where pre-commit was installed from the first time) -- which -a pre-commit
can help you locate all of your installations
disclaimer: I am the creator of pre-commit