I am trying to write a C# generic method that accepts nullable decimal and double values and converts them to a string representation.
I am getting the error "No overload for method 'ToString' takes 1 arguments" although I am accessing .Value
of the nullable parameter.
Here is my code. What am I doing wrong?
public static string ToThousandSeparated<T>(T? value, string naString = "") where T : struct
if (value.HasValue)
T val = value.Value;
return val.ToString("N0");
return naString;
only defines the method string ToString()
(with no parameters). Objects like Int32
define their own string ToString(string)
However, there's a useful interface called IFormattable
, which provides a string ToString(string, IFormatProvider)
method. So you can either constrain yourself to all T
which implement IFormattable
public static string ToThousandSeparated<T>(T? value, string naString = "")
where T : struct, IFormattable
if (value.HasValue)
T val = value.Value;
return val.ToString("N0", null);
return naString;
or accept anything, but test whether it implements IFormattable
at runtime:
public static string ToThousandSeparated<T>(T? value, string naString = "")
where T : struct
if (value.HasValue)
T val = value.Value;
return val is IFormattable formattable ? formattable.ToString("N0", null) : val.ToString();
return naString;