I am using Angular 11.1.4 and typscript 4.1.5. I get this error at many points...
I want to group my objects according to the different product types. here is my code :
newPlatDenrees = [];
this.newPlatDenrees = this.plat.denrees.reduce((r, a) => {
r[a.typeProduit] = r[a.typeProduit] || [];
return r;
}, Object.create(null));
Then I make a display like this. The problem is that this way is functional but impossible to issue an 'ionic build --prod' command. I keep getting this error...
<ion-item-group *ngFor="let denree of newPlatDenrees | keyvalue; let i = index">
<ion-item-divider (click)="denree.toggle=!denree.toggle">
<ion-icon slot="end" [name]="!denree.toggle ? 'chevron-down-outline' : 'chevron-forward-outline'">
<div *ngIf="!denree.toggle">
<ion-row *ngFor="let value of denree.value; let i = index ">
<ion-col class="ion-text-center">{{value.produit}}</ion-col>
<ion-col class="ion-text-center"> {{value.unite}}</ion-col>
<ion-col class="ion-text-center"> {{value.quantite}}</ion-col>
Please help me !
you can "add" the property "toggle" when reduce
this.newPlatDenrees = this.plat.denrees.reduce((r, a) => {
a.toggle=false //<--this line
r[a.typeProduit] = r[a.typeProduit] || [];
return r;
}, Object.create(null));
Prior Angular 10, Angular was not so "careful" when we added properties "on fly"
You can also, if your newPlatDenrees is a type of an interface add the property optional toogle to interface
export interface IPlatDenre
Update the problem was the "keypipe", so we need use