I am updating MSAL version 1.x to MSAL-browser in angular.So I am trying to migrate from version 1.x to 2.X.I was able to replace code successfully and it is working fine. but I am getting issue with acquireTokenSilent but its working fine by using acquireTokenPopup. I am following this link: https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js/blob/dev/lib/msal-browser/docs/v1-migration.md. This is latest library published 11 days ago only and not much inputs i am able to get from internet other then basic documentation. The thing is when i am using acquireTokenSilent its giving error as: getTokenerror BrowserAuthError: no_account_error: No account object provided to acquireTokenSilent and no active account has been set but if i am using acquireTokenPopup at the same place, my application is working. Sample:
public Tokenfunction(): void {
this.MSALobject.acquireTokenSilent(request).then(response => {
.catch((error: msal.AuthError) => {
if (error) {
return this.login();
but instead of acquireTokenSilent if i use acquireTokenPopup, its working fine i am not getting what is the issue.
Summarize the comments into the answer in order to archive this question:
Giving account object in the request can resolve this issue.
Earlier was giving like this: request= { scopes: ['profile'] }
; Add one more line with user account as account : msalobj.getAllAccounts()[0]
I think you don't need to handle it by yourself because acquireTokenSilent
can handle the refresh token.