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Angular Material - Custom Column filter and Default filter not working together

Column filter is working absolutely fine but default filter (input field search) is not working at all. I tried several things but nothing worked out. I want my Input field to have default behavior of search for two cols i.e. allAssociates and dept column along with the individual column filters. It does not throw any error as well. Custom column filter reference is from so I have not included here:

filterTable method is not working as expected I would appreciate any suggestions..

Full code:

Shared the snippet below:


    *ngFor="let filter of filterSelectObj" 
    style="margin-left: 15px;">
    <mat-label> Filter {{}} </mat-label>
      <option value=""> All </option>
        *ngFor="let item of filter.options">
    placeholder="All Associates/Dept" 
    (keyUp)="filterTable($"> &nbsp;

TS file:

ngOnInit() {
  //fetch data from Service
  const deptData = this.deptService.getData();
  this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource(deptData);
  this.dataSource.filterPredicate = this.createFilter();
  this.filterSelectObj.filter((o) => {
    o.options = this.getFilterObject(deptData, o.columnProp);

filterTable(input: string) {
  this.dataSource.filterPredicate =
    (data: DepartmentData, f: string) => !f || (data.allAssociates || data.dept) == f;
  input = input.trim(); // Remove whitespace
  input = input.toLowerCase(); // MatTableDataSource defaults to lowercase matches
  this.dataSource.filter = input;


  • Okay. So two issues that I found with your implementation.

    1. In the template you're binding to (keyUp) when the actual event name to bind to is (keyup).

    2. There's an issue with your predicate function. It should have been this:

      this.dataSource.filterPredicate = (data: DepartmentData, f: string) => !f || data.allAssociates.toLowerCase().includes(f) || data.dept.toLowerCase().includes(f.toLowerCase());

    Fixing these two issues should make it start working for you.

    Here's a Working Sample StackBlitz for your ref.