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Get Process PID With PsLookupProcessByProcessId

#include <ntddk.h>
#include <WinDef.h>

void SampleUnload(_In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) {

    DbgPrint("Sample driver Unload called\n");

extern "C"
DriverEntry(_In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) {
    DriverObject->DriverUnload = SampleUnload;

    DbgPrint("Sample driver Load called\n");

    if (PsLookupProcessByProcessId(::PsGetCurrentProcessId(), &EP) == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) {
        DbgPrint("Can't get the eprocess");
    else {
        DbgPrint("Its working");
    LPBYTE pUpi = ((LPBYTE)EP) + 0x440;
    PVOID UniqueProcessId = *((PVOID*)pUpi);

    DbgPrint("Test Test Test!");

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

Hello everyone, I am trying to print out the pid of the driver as an exercise. When I am starting the driver he is working but in the 30 line he doesn't print anything and in all the others he does! I want to print out the pid of the process using EPROCESS.

Can someone help me please?


  • but in the 30 line he doesn't print anything

    you try say that


    doesn't print anything.

    DbgPrint accept pointer to the format string to print in first argument. but (CHAR*)UniqueProcessId not a string, even if you cast it to (CHAR*). if UniqueProcessId valid value - it small number, usually less than 0x10000, and memory access to this location (DbgPrint will try read this "string") must cause exception/bsod. but because use hard-coded offset (0x440) from EPROCESS always wrong - you read not process UniqueProcessId but some random data, which in your case accidentally point to valid memory. valid code for print must be like


    also all your code before this line, not have sense and contains critical errors