I have the following XML file from this link as sample:
I have the following recursive function which prints output:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def perf_func(elem, func, level=0):
for child in elem.getchildren():
perf_func(child, func, level+1)
def print_level(elem,level):
elemList = ['description', 'episodes', 'movie', 'collection', 'stars', 'rating', 'year', 'type', 'format']
xmlTree = ET.parse('XML_file.xml')
The below line prints the result:
perf_func(xmlTree.getroot(), print_level)
I need to save the output to a list of items like below.
hierarchy = [collection, -movie, --format, --year, --rating, ... ]
So tried the below modification. But unable to get the result as list.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def perf_func(elem, func, level=0):
for child in elem.getchildren():
yield from perf_func(child, func, level+1)
def print_level(elem,level):
print ('-'*level+elem.tag)
I trying to modify the print_level() function to give some returnable output instead of printing it, but don't know how to do it.
perf_func(xmlTree.getroot(), print_level)
<generator object perf_func at 0x000001F6432BD2C8>
Changing the generator to list giving me the same output
list(perf_func(xmlTree.getroot(), print_level))
I checked similar questions in other links, but could'nt understand them much.
There's no point in a function that uses yield from
but never yield
s any value. The generator needs to be populated with data at some point for it to do anything.
def perf_func(elem):
yield elem
for child in elem.getchildren():
yield from perf_func(child)
You could use yield func(elem, level)
, but passing a function into a generator is a somewhat odd pattern that inverts responsibility. The typical pattern for generators is to emit data lazily and let the caller apply arbitrary processing on each item inline, for example:
def traverse(elem, level=0):
yield elem, level
for child in elem.getchildren():
yield from traverse(child, level + 1)
for elem, level in traverse(xmlTree.getroot()):
print("-" * level + elem.tag) # or whatever else you want to do
In Python 3.9, elem.getchildren
was removed, so here's the code that worked for me:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def traverse(elem, level=0):
yield elem, level
for child in elem:
yield from traverse(child, level + 1)
for elem, level in traverse(ET.parse("country_data.xml").getroot()):
print(" " * level + elem.tag) # or whatever else you want to do