I have a set of text coming in as:
I am trying the regex: PCRE(PHP<7.3)
^(\d+) [^\$]+ (\d+ \w+ \d+) (\d.+ \w.+) \S (Dkt\S\d+)[^\$]+ (\$.*)$
Which parses the above However, I am unable to parse "O/N: ONE DENTAL" or "O/N: YOUR CAR SOLD" from the above list
How can I do it that if there is something after Dkt#xxxx it will also be parsed or nothing
since you already have the pattern, I made a few slight modifications to it. This is based on the example strings provided and may need further modification if you have other variations of the rules used to match.
^(\d) (\S+) (\d{2} \w{3} \d{4}) (.*)\s+-\s(Dkt\S+)\s*(.*?)\s*(\$\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\.?\s*$