Below is my string, its coming from a stdout.
I am looking for a way to find all the decimal numbers for a sensor. I want to provide my regex pattern "TP1" and would like my return to look like this:
[156.2 , 30]
I am using re.findall()
TP1 BCArc 156.2
TP2 Max: of output here 0.01
TP3 some:other example 1 here 30.70
TP1 BCArc 30
TP2 Max: of output here 2.22
I can find the end of a string but not with the input: see here:
Here is the code Im trying
Enable Multiline mode through flags: on, that option is available on the right side of the pattern input field (where by default you can see /g
. When using the regex in Python, you can pass flags as the third parameter to re.findall()
import re
sensor = "TP1"
text = """
TP1 BCArc 156.2
TP2 Max: of output here 0.01
TP3 some:other example 1 here 30.70
TP1 BCArc 30
TP2 Max: of output here 2.22
re.findall(fr'^{sensor}\s+\w+\s+([\d\.]+)$', text, re.MULTILINE)
# returns ['156.2', '30]
All flags are described in the documentation.