I plotted a catplot
in seaborn
like this
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
data = {'year': [2016, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2013, 2014, 2015], 'geo_name': ['Michigan', 'Michigan', 'Michigan', 'Michigan', 'Washtenaw County, MI', 'Washtenaw County, MI', 'Washtenaw County, MI', 'Washtenaw County, MI', 'Ann Arbor, MI', 'Ann Arbor, MI', 'Ann Arbor, MI', 'Ann Arbor, MI', 'Philadelphia, PA', 'Philadelphia, PA', 'Philadelphia, PA', 'Philadelphia, PA', 'Ann Arbor, MI Metro Area', 'Ann Arbor, MI Metro Area', 'Ann Arbor, MI Metro Area', 'Ann Arbor, MI Metro Area'], 'geo': ['04000US26', '04000US26', '04000US26', '04000US26', '05000US26161', '05000US26161', '05000US26161', '05000US26161', '16000US2603000', '16000US2603000', '16000US2603000', '16000US2603000', '16000US4260000', '16000US4260000', '16000US4260000', '16000US4260000', '31000US11460', '31000US11460', '31000US11460', '31000US11460'], 'income': [50803.0, 48411.0, 49087.0, 49576.0, 62484.0, 59055.0, 60805.0, 61003.0, 57697.0, 55003.0, 56835.0, 55990.0, 39770.0, 37192.0, 37460.0, 38253.0, 62484.0, 59055.0, 60805.0, 61003.0], 'income_moe': [162.0, 163.0, 192.0, 186.0, 984.0, 985.0, 958.0, 901.0, 2046.0, 1688.0, 1320.0, 1259.0, 567.0, 424.0, 430.0, 511.0, 984.0, 985.0, 958.0, 901.0]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
g = sns.catplot(x='year', y='income', data=df, kind='bar', hue='geo_name', legend=True)
I am getting an output like shown below
I want to add the values of each bar on its top in K representation. For example
in 2013
the bar for Michigan
is at 48411
so I want to add the value 48.4K
on top of that bar. Likewise for all the bars.
as of matplotlib v3.4.2
parameter for simple formats, and the labels
parameter for customized string formatting.v.get_width
instead of v.get_height
.python 3.11
, pandas 1.5.3
, matplotlib 3.7.1
, seaborn 0.12.2
g = sns.catplot(data=df, x='year', y='income', kind='bar', hue='geo_name', legend=True, height=6, aspect=2)
# extract the matplotlib axes_subplot objects from the FacetGrid
ax = g.facet_axis(0, 0) # or ax = g.axes.flat[0]
# iterate through the axes containers
for c in ax.containers:
labels = [f'{(v.get_height() / 1000):.1f}K' for v in c]
ax.bar_label(c, labels=labels, label_type='edge')
g = sns.catplot(data=df, x='year', y='income', kind='bar', col='geo_name', col_wrap=3)
g.fig.suptitle('Bar Count with Annotations')
# iterate through axes
for ax in g.axes.ravel():
# add annotations
for c in ax.containers:
labels = [f'{(v.get_height() / 1000):.1f}K' for v in c]
ax.bar_label(c, labels=labels, label_type='edge')
df = sns.load_dataset('titanic')
g = sns.catplot(data=df, kind='count', x='survived', hue='sex', col='class')
# iterate through axes
for ax in g.axes.ravel():
# add annotations
for c in ax.containers:
# add custom labels with the labels=labels parameter if needed
# labels = [f'{h}' if (h := v.get_height()) > 0 else '' for v in c]
ax.bar_label(c, label_type='edge')