i have followed an exact guide on how to setup a geofire on to my project. i have success on my android project.. but i cant get it to run for the ios.. and it has the following error as i try to run it.
[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Firebase/Database":
In Podfile:
firebase_database (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_database/ios`) was resolved to 6.1.2, which depends on
Firebase/Database (= 7.11.0)
flutter_geofire (from `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_geofire/ios`) was resolved to 0.0.1, which depends on
GeoFire (~> 4.0) was resolved to 4.1.0, which depends on
Firebase/Database (~> 6.0)
I've tried to run pod update
and this is the result
Macbook-MBP:ios Macbook$ pod update
Update all pods
Updating local specs repositories
Analyzing dependencies
firebase_auth: Using Firebase SDK version '7.11.0' defined in 'firebase_core'
firebase_core: Using Firebase SDK version '7.11.0' defined in 'firebase_core'
firebase_database: Using Firebase SDK version '7.11.0' defined in 'firebase_core'
[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Firebase/Database":
In Podfile:
firebase_database (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_database/ios`) was resolved to
6.1.2, which depends on Firebase/Database (= 7.11.0)
flutter_geofire (from `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_geofire/ios`) was resolved to 0.0.1,
which depends on
GeoFire (~> 4.0) was resolved to 4.1.0, which depends on
Firebase/Database (~> 6.0)
and this is what i've imported to my pubspec.yaml file..
firebase_database: ^6.1.2
flutter_geofire: ^2.0.0
i dont understand what im doing wrong, any help would be appreciated.. thanks
for anyone that is facing this issue,
flutter clean
in the terminalpod 'GeoFire', :git => 'https://github.com/mrdishant/geofire-objc', :tag => '4.3.0'
on top of the podfileplatform :ios, '10.0'
to platform :ios, '11.0'
on the podfilepod repo update
then pod update
flutter run
in the terminalthats how i got it working for me