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Configuration of Volttron Central Platform to a Volttron Central instance on a remote server

I've got this configuration

    "volttron-central-address": "https://MYURL:8443",

    "volttron-central-serverkey": "MY KEY",
    "volttron-central-reconnect-interval": 5,
    "instance-name": "MYNAME",
    "stats-publish-interval": 30,

Then ran

python3 scripts/ -s services/core/VolttronCentralPlatform -c config/vcp.config --tag vcp
vctl start --tag vcp

And I get the errors:

enter image description here

I suspect my tcp in .voltrron/config is not correct

message-bus = zmq
instance-name = Volttron-Tests


  • Your config should include a vip-address in it.

    vip-address = tcp://externalip:22916