I have a 73 million row dataset, and I need to filter out rows that match any of a few conditions. I have been doing this with Boolean indexing, but it's taking a really long time (~30mins) and I want to know if I can make it faster (e.g. fancy indexing, np.where, np.compress?)
My code:
clean_df = df[~(df.project_name.isin(p_to_drop) |
df.workspace_name.isin(ws_to_drop) |
df.campaign_name.str.contains(regex_string,regex=True) |
The regex string is
regex_string = '(?i)^.*ARCHIVE.*$|^.*birthday.*$|^.*bundle.*$|^.*Competition followups.*$|^.*consent.*$|^.*DOI.*$|\
^.*experiment.*$|^.*hello.*$|^.*new subscribers.*$|^.*not purchased.*$|^.*parent.*$|\
^.*re engagement.*$|^.*reengagement.*$|^.*re-engagement.*$|^.*resend.*$|^.*Resend of.*$|\
and the other three conditions are lists of strings with fewer than 50 items.
If you have this many rows, I think it will be faster to first remove the records one step at a time. Regex is typically slow, so you could use that as a last step with a much smaller data frame.
For example:
clean_df = df.copy()
clean_df = clean_df.loc[~(df.project_name.isin(p_to_drop)]
clean_df = clean_df.loc[~df.workspace_name.isin(ws_to_drop)]
clean_df = clean_df.loc[~df.campaign_name.isin(small_launches)]
clean_df = clean_df.loc[~df.campaign_name.str.contains(regex_string,regex=True)]