I would need to find the first minimum of the gradient_array
array, then the local minimum that is within the first 50 meters.
gradient_array= np.gradient(moving_avg_RCS)
MLH = min(gradient_array)
Attached: plot in which you can see the point of the minimum that it finds. I need the first minimum within 50 meters
sodar_data = pd.read_csv('20141222_sodar-data.csv')
height=[float(i) for i in height_str]
gradient_array= np.gradient(moving_avg_RCS)
MLH = min(gradient_array)
gradient = gradient_array.tolist()
index = gradient.index(MLH)
MLHS_height = height[index]
You'll need np.array
for that :
height = np.array(height)
gradient_array_within_50_meters = gradient_array[height < 50]
min_within_50_meters = gradient_array_within_50_meters.min()
height_min_within_50_meters = height[gradient_array_within_50_meters.argmin()]