I am very much new to PostgreSQL. Recently I am working on a database where there is a table name "store". store has item_id as primary key. here is a demo data in my store table :
id | item_id | supplier_id | received | quantity |
12 | 34 | 6 | 2019-3-21 11:55:23 | 54 |
99 | 42 | 4 | 2019-3-21 11:23:12 | 98 |
19 | 39 | 6 | 2019-3-21 12:59:23 | 21 |
69 | 82 | 3 | 2019-3-21 10:29:11 | 32 |
I want to formulate a query that will return the number of supplies(supplies = sum of quantity) received in each day hour.the output will include the day hour sort by hour.
The output will be like this :
hour | supplies |
2019-3-21 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 | 152 |
2019-3-21 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 | 21 |
Can anyone help me out to formulate this query in postgreSQL ?
You may use a calendar table approach here. Assuming we only need to cover a 24 hour period on the single date 2019-03-21
, we can try:
with dates as (
select generate_series(
(date '2019-03-21')::timestamp,
(date '2019-03-22')::timestamp,
interval '1 hour'
) as dt
d.dt::date::text || ' ' ||
to_char(d.dt::time,'HH24:MM:SS') || ' - ' ||
to_char(d.dt::time + interval '1 hour' - interval '1 second', 'HH24:MM:SS') as hour,
coalesce(sum(s.quantity), 0) as supplies
from dates d
left join store s
on s.received >= d.dt and s.received < d.dt + interval '1 hour'
group by
order by
Note: If you only want to view hours which had a non zero sum of quantity, simply add the following having
clause to the above query:
having sum(s.quantity) > 0