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Cloudwatch alarm creation fails due to heredoc

I am trying to create a composite cloudwatch alarm using terraform. But unfortunately my terraform code breaks with the following error:

Error: error creating CloudWatch Composite Alarm (node-count-office-time-composite-alarm-DP-1474-desert): ValidationError: AlarmRule must not contain leading or trailing whitespace or be null status code: 400, request id: 272b14ae-e6bd-4e65-8bb8-25372d9a5f7c

Following is my terraform code:

resource "aws_cloudwatch_composite_alarm" "node_count_office_time_alarm" {
  depends_on = [aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.node_count, aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.office_time]
  alarm_description = "Composite alarm for node count & office time"
  alarm_name        = "node-count-office-time-composite-alarm-${local.postfix}"
  alarm_actions = [var.sns_topic_arn]
  ok_actions    = [var.sns_topic_arn]
alarm_rule =<<-EOF
ALARM(${aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.node_count.alarm_name}) AND

I checked many times and there are no leading or trailing spaces in my alarm_rule. Only new line after AND operator. I am using terraform 0.15.3 version. Anyone faces similar issues and how can I resolve this issue? thanks


  • I did not find the solution to how to make the heredoc working. But I fixed it for the time being using direct string expression instead of heredoc block. Following is the string expression:

    alarm_rule        = "ALARM(${aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.node_count.alarm_name}) AND ALARM(${aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.office_time.alarm_name})"

    I hope it is useful for others if they face the same issue. thanks