I was searching all night on how to generate sitemap for tt_address records and coudn't find anything…… anyone knows how to generate it?
I also use route enhancers, is there a way to beautify my sitemap by using the slugs instead of the those long controllers, IDs, etc URLs?
so after reading and tweaking I came up with a working solution:
tx_seo.config.xmlSitemap.sitemaps {
addresses {
provider = TYPO3\CMS\Seo\XmlSitemap\RecordsXmlSitemapDataProvider
config {
table = tt_address
sortField = sorting
lastModifiedField = tstamp
### ID of address storage records ###
pid = 13
recursive = 2
url {
### ID of detail view page ###
pageId = 18
fieldToParameterMap {
uid = tx_ttaddress_listview[address]
additionalGetParameters {
tx_ttaddress_listview.controller = Address
tx_ttaddress_listview.action = show
useCacheHash = 1
and the routeenhancer is:
type: Extbase
extension: TtAddress
plugin: ListView
routePath: /
_controller: 'Address::list'
routePath: '/{address_slug}'
_controller: 'Address::show'
address_slug: address
type: PersistedAliasMapper
tableName: tt_address
routeFieldName: slug