I currently have a Google sheet conditionally formatted the way I need it. The problem is when I share the sheet, people often copy and paste cells messing up the conditional formatting rules. Is it possible to somehow store my preferred conditional format rules in a macro, then when someone edits the sheet, it will auto reset any changes to the preferred rules?
Try duplicating the sheet where you have the pristine conditional formatting rules in place. To restore the formatting:
.The process can be automated with a script like this:
function resetMessyConditionalFormatting() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const pristineRange = ss.getSheetByName('Pristine').getDataRange();
const messyRange = ss.getSheetByName('Messy').getRange('A1');
pristineRange.copyTo(messyRange, SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_CONDITIONAL_FORMATTING, false);