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pythondiscord.pyopus bot connecting to voice channel but OpusNotLoaded, and problems with discord.opus.load_opus()

I'm trying to connect my bot to a voice channel and then playing an mp3 file.
This was my original code :

@client.command(name='voice', case_insensitive=True)
async def voice(context):

    channel =

    await channel.connect()

    guild = context.guild
    voice_client: discord.VoiceClient = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=guild)'voices/bonjour.mp3', executable='/Users/rimelmallah/Desktop/Python/ffmpeg'), after=None)

I got this error : discord.opus.OpusNotLoaded

So I added this line of code before the last line : discord.opus.load_opus()
When i did this I got this error : TypeError: load_opus() missing 1 required positional argument: 'name'

So I tried to modify my line of code to : discord.opus.load_opus('opus')
And this time I got the following error : OSError: dlopen(opus, 6): image not found

I tried to install Opus from this link :
but it didn't work.


  • The docs say that name is The filename of the shared library.. You will have to give the function load_opus() the exact name, presumably also with file path, if the library isn't located in the same directory as your python-file.

    The file should be called something like


    However there are some things to look out for. Look at the docs for further information