I have this issue both in the development and testing enviroments, the first one hosting a MariaDB database and the other one MySQL database:
I want to increment a field in my database (avoiding race conditions), so I retrieve it, increment and update inside a transaction with REPEATABLE READ isolation level. The problem is that the field doesn't get updated in the database. Meanwhile if I try to execute the SQL query directly using the mysql client, it works as intended.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I commit the connection with self.conn.commit() (as you can see in the code below)
Additional informations:
here are the relevant functions:
import mysql.connector
class DbInteractor:
conn = None
cur = None
exception_message = 'Exception raised and handled by DbInteractor:\t'
def connect(self):
self.conn = mysql.connector.connect( ... )
def handle_closure(self, ex='', error=False):
if error:
print(self.exception_message, ex)
if self.cur:
cur = None
if self.conn:
conn = None
if error:
return -1
return 1
def set_cursor(self, prepared=True):
except Exception as ex:
return self.handle_closure(ex, error=True)
self.cur = self.conn.cursor(prepared=prepared)
except Exception as ex:
return self.handle_closure(ex, error=True)
return 1
def retrieve_number(self, url):
stmt = 'SELECT numbers FROM photos WHERE url = %s'
if not self.set_cursor():
if self.set_cursor() == -1:
return -1
self.cur.execute(stmt, (url,))
number_list = self.cur.fetchall()
if len(number_list) != 1:
return self.handle_closure('failed numbers selection', error=True)
result, = number_list[0]
return result
except Exception as ex:
self.handle_closure(ex, error=True)
return -1
def increment_number(self, url):
stmt = "UPDATE photos SET numbers = CAST(%s AS INT) WHERE url = CAST(%s AS CHAR);"
if self.set_cursor() == -1:
return -1
self.conn.autocommit = False
self.conn.start_transaction(isolation_level='REPEATABLE READ')
numbers = self.retrieve_numbers(url)
print('prima: ', numbers)
if numbers == -1:
self.handle_closure('error incrementing numbers', error=True)
return -1
numbers += 1
tuple1 = (str(url), numbers)
self.cur.execute(stmt, tuple1)
print('dopo: ',numbers)
new_numbers = self.retrieve_numbers(url)
if new_numbers != numbers:
self.handle_closure('race condition incrementing numbers detected, can\'t rollback', error=True)
return -1
except Exception as ex:
self.handle_closure(ex, error=True)
return -1
return 1
Thank you
Reverse the tuple, because the first %s is for the int you catsed, and the string is for the laST 5S
tuple1 = ( numbers,str(url))