The GE kml file below do not make a elements color identification directly within the html code. How can I extract them in a csv file along with the name and its coordinates with a python extension.
I already got the name and the coordinates but the elements colors have not been able to. Is it impossible to extract this information?
I used several codes that I got here but the color of the element remains a mystery. One of them is this:
from pykml import parser
from pykml.factory import nsmap
namespace = {"ns": nsmap[None]}
with open('test.kml') as f:
root = parser.parse(f).getroot()
pms = root.xpath(".//ns:Placemark[.//ns:LineString]", namespaces=namespace)
for pm in pms:
The expected result is a csv file with the fields: name; coordinates; color or a simple table with the same fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="" xmlns:kml="" xmlns:atom="">
<StyleMap id="inline93460">
<Style id="inline8348">
<StyleMap id="inline7838">
<Style id="inline37027">
<Style id="inline7746">
<Style id="inline7066">
<StyleMap id="inline55590">
<Style id="inline5777">
<Style id="inline169131">
<name>Cidade de Esmeraldas</name>
<name>Aldeias do lago</name>
<name>Medida do caminho</name>
-44.18468786850732,-19.7311490448918,0 -44.18476571351906,-19.73196615345114,0 -44.18516928457656,-19.73196209518785,0
<name>Medida do caminho</name>
-44.18116177806758,-19.73104199822188,0 -44.18149124079289,-19.73002254245169,0 -44.18093826107535,-19.73172738045029,0 -44.1809508776952,-19.73186017013899,0 -44.18160756352079,-19.73204395759025,0
<name>Medida do caminho</name>
-44.19110137765401,-19.72300828552742,0 -44.19173625397613,-19.72303182576567,0 -44.19283033803023,-19.72258037041406,0 -44.19316612473877,-19.72323246634359,0
I am not familiar with pykml, but you can get what you want like this:
from lxml import etree
import pandas as pd
ns = {"xx":""}
rows =[]
for su in root.xpath('//xx:Placemark/xx:styleUrl',namespaces=ns):
name = su.xpath('./preceding-sibling::xx:name/text()',namespaces=ns)[0]
coo = su.xpath('./following-sibling::xx:LineString/xx:coordinates/text()',namespaces=ns)[0].strip()
sm = su.text.replace("#","")
sy = doc.xpath(f'//xx:StyleMap[@id="{sm}"]//xx:Pair[./xx:key["normal"]]/xx:styleUrl',namespaces=ns)[0].text.replace("#","")
color = doc.xpath(f'//xx:Style[@id="{sy}"]//xx:LineStyle/xx:color/text()',namespaces=ns)[0]
columns = ['name','coordinates','color']
df = pd.DataFrame(rows,columns=columns)
name coordinates color
0 Medida do caminho -44.18468786850732,-19.7311490448918,0 -44.184... ff00ffff
1 Medida do caminho -44.18116177806758,-19.73104199822188,0 -44.18... ffff0000
2 Medida do caminho -44.19110137765401,-19.72300828552742,0 -44.19... ff00ffff