I'm trying to automate a remote login and I wrote the following bash script:
#! /bin/bash
kinit -f user@domain.com
expect "Password for user@domain.com: "
send "$PWD\n"
ssh -x user@dom.com
cd user/user
My understanding being that "expect" is waiting for the terminal to output something and "interact" should give control of the logged-in terminal to the user. Why doesn't this script work?
This is not the way to mix shell and expect code. You can't just invoke expect commands from the shell, you need to launch an expect process.
Something like this:
#! /bin/bash
export PWD=abc
expect <<'END_EXPECT'
spawn kinit -f user@domain.com
expect "Password for user@domain.com: "
send "$env(PWD)\r"
expect "this is some prompt you see after running kinit: edit this string"
send " ssh -x user@dom.com\r"
expect "this is the pattern for the remote prompt: edit this string"
send "cd user/user\r"