when i cick on number the TextView Doesnt change it supposed to show number when i click on them like the calculator that's my code i still in the first part of the app
fun clicknumber(view: View) {
var buselected = view as Button
var tvnum = tv.text.toString()
if (newOp){
tv.text = ""
when (buselected.id) {
one.id-> tvnum += "1"
two.id-> tvnum += "2"
three.id-> tvnum += "3"
four.id-> tvnum += "4"
five.id-> tvnum += "5"
six.id-> tvnum += "6"
seven.id-> tvnum += "7"
eight.id-> tvnum += +"8"
nine.id-> tvnum += "9"
dot.id-> tvnum += "."
minusplus.id -> tvnum = "-" + tvnum
i think the problem is in the "tvnum" and i wanna to clear the textview when i do a new operation, i write the code but it doesnt work so good
You're assigningtvnum
but you're doing nothing with it. You need to set the text in the TextView instead.
tv.text = tvnum