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Don't understand `destruct` tactic on hypothesis `~ (exists x : X, ~ P x)` in Coq

I'm new to Coq and try to learn it through Software foundations. In the chapter "Logic in Coq", there is an exercise not_exists_dist which I completed (by guessing) but not understand:

Theorem not_exists_dist :
  excluded_middle →
  ∀ (X:Type) (P : X → Prop),
    ¬ (∃ x, ¬ P x) → (∀ x, P x).
  intros em X P H x.
  destruct (em (P x)) as [T | F].
  - apply T.
  - destruct H.              (* <-- This step *)
    exists x.
    apply F.

Before the destruct, the context and goal looks like:

em: excluded_middle
X: Type
P: X -> Prop
H: ~ (exists x : X, ~ P x)
x: X
F: ~ P x
P x

And after it

em: excluded_middle
X: Type
P: X -> Prop
x: X
F: ~ P x
exists x0 : X, ~ P x0

While I understand destruct on P /\ Q and P \/ Q in hypothesis, I don't understand how it works on P -> False like here.


  • Let me try to give some intuition behind this by doing another proof first. Consider:

    Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B. 
      intros. (*eval up to here*)

    What you will see in *goals* is:

    1 subgoal (ID 77)
      A, B, C : Prop
      H : A
      H0 : C
      H1 : A ∨ B → B ∨ C → A ∧ B
      A ∧ B

    Ok, so we need to show A /\ B. We can use split to break the and apart, thus we need to show A and B. A follows easily by assumption, B is something we do not have. So, our proof script now might look like:

    Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B. 
      intros. split; try assumption. (*eval up to here*)

    With goals:

    1 subgoal (ID 80)
      A, B, C : Prop
      H : A
      H0 : C
      H1 : A ∨ B → B ∨ C → A ∧ B

    The only way we can get to the B is by somehow using H1. Let's see what destruct H1 does to our goals:

    3 subgoals (ID 86)
      A, B, C : Prop
      H : A
      H0 : C
      A ∨ B
    subgoal 2 (ID 87) is:
     B ∨ C
    subgoal 3 (ID 93) is:

    We get additional subgoals! In order to destruct H1 we need to provide it proofs for A \/ B and B \/ C, we cannot destruct A /\ B otherwise!

    For the sake of completeness: (without the split;try assumption shorthand)

    Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B. 
      intros. split.
      - assumption.
      - destruct H1.
        + left. assumption.
        + right. assumption.
        + assumption.

    Another way to view it is this: H1 is a function that takes A \/ B and B \/ C as input. destruct works on its output. In order to destruct the result of such a function, you need to give it an appropriate input. Then, destruct performs a case analysis without introducing additional goals. We can do that in the proof script as well before destructing:

    Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B. 
      intros. split.
      - assumption.
      - specialize (H1 (or_introl H) (or_intror H0)).
        destruct H1.

    From a proof term perspective, destruct of A /\ B is the same as match A /\ B with conj H1 H2 => (*construct a term that has your goal as its type*) end. We can replace the destruct in our proof script with a corresponding refine that does exactly that:

    Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B. 
      intros. unfold not in H0. split.
      - assumption.
      - specialize (H1 (or_introl H) (or_intror H0)).
        refine (match H1 with conj Ha Hb => _ end).
        exact Hb.

    Back to your proof. Your goals before destruct

    em: excluded_middle
    X: Type
    P: X -> Prop
    H: ~ (exists x : X, ~ P x)
    x: X
    F: ~ P x
    P x

    After applying the unfold not in H tactic you see:

    em: excluded_middle
    X: Type
    P: X -> Prop
    H: (exists x : X, P x -> ⊥) -> ⊥
    x: X
    F: ~ P x
    P x

    Now recall the definition of ⊥: It's a proposition that cannot be constructed, i.e. it has no constructors. If you somehow have ⊥ as an assumption and you destruct, you essentially look at the type of match ⊥ with end, which can be anything.

    In fact, we can prove any goal with it:

    Goal (forall (A : Prop), A) <-> False.  (* <- note that this is different from *)
    Proof.                                  (*    forall (A : Prop), A <-> False   *)
      split; intros.
      - specialize (H False). assumption.
      - refine (match H with end).

    Its proofterm is:

    (λ (A B C : Prop) (H : A) (H0 : C) (H1 : A ∨ B → B ∨ C → A ∧ B),
       conj H (let H2 : A ∧ B := H1 (or_introl H) (or_intror H0) in match H2 with
                                                                    | conj _ Hb => Hb

    Anyhow, destruct on your assumption H will give you a proof for your goal if you are able to show exists x : X, ~ P x -> ⊥.

    Instead of destruct, you could also do exfalso. apply H. to achieve the same thing.