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No template or file for new android studio flutter project

I have just started learning flutter and mobile app development When I click create new flutter project it does not show any template and shows this -create new flutter project wizard

My flutter doctor -v output is -picture of the output

I'm not sure how to create a new flutter project properly and start the actual development of app. Please help, thank you


  • Go to the flutter app and then create the project. This will give you the default project to start.

    • First download Flutter SDK for windows from here.

    • Then extract the zip in C:\src\flutter which would look like this: enter image description here

    • Go to the New project-->Flutter App in android studio and enter the SDK path: enter image description here

    • Then click next and then finish: enter image description here

    • Go to the android studio setting and install android sdk command-line tools:

    enter image description here

    • Also after doing these steps go to C:\src\flutter and run flutter_console.bat file in which enter these commands:

    flutter doctor to see everything is working correctly or not.

    flutter doctor --android-licenses this command will check if all licenses are excepted or not. If not you should accept all.

    enter image description here