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How to use refresh token coming from acquiretoken silent in MSAL-browser

I am trying to acquire token by aquiretokensilent after login and then have to do authorization in multiple modules.As documentation of MSAL-browser acquiretokensilent will automatically take care of refresh token.In network tab also i am able to see refresh token.But how to use it, does it automatically replace access token or do i need to do something extra and how i can see that refresh token in the console converting to access token after expiry of access token.I have read lot of documents but not got clearity how to use it. enter image description here


  • A refresh token is used for renewing an access token or request access tokens with other scopes.

    This official doc indicated that how a refresh token renews/requests a new access token and a new refresh token at the base layer.

    And yes, you should call aquiretokensilent before API call, if the access token exists and it is not expired, this function will reply the access token to you from local cache directly, if not, it will request a new access token by refresh token from Azure AD. For details, see this doc.