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Is there a way to auto-match multiple parameters the same?

I have multiple deep neural networks in my model and want them to have the same input sizes (networks are of different classes). For example, my model is:

class Model:
 def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig):
   self.net1 = Net1(**cfg.net1_hparams)
   self.net2 = Net2(**cfg.net2_hparams)

Here, Net1 and Net2 have different sets of hyper parameters, but among which the input_size parameter is shared between Net1 and Net2, and have to be matched, i.e., cfg.net1_hparams.input_size == cfg.net2_hparams.input_size.

I could define the input_size at the parent level: cfg.input_size and manually pass them to both Net1 and Net2. But, I want the hparams-configs of each Net's are complete so that later I can build Net1 only using the cfg.net1_hparams.

Is there a good way to achieve this in hydra?


  • This can be achieved using OmegaConf's variable interpolation feature.

    Here is a minimal example using variable interpolation with Hydra to achieve the desired result:

    # config.yaml
      input_size: [128, 128]
      name: net one
      input_size: ${shared_hparams.input_size}
      name: net two
      input_size: ${shared_hparams.input_size}
    import hydra
    from omegaconf import DictConfig
    class Model:
        def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig):
            print("Net1", dict(**cfg.net1_hparams))
            print("Net2", dict(**cfg.net2_hparams))
    def my_app(cfg: DictConfig) -> None:
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Running at the command line produces this result:

    $ python
    Net1 {'name': 'net one', 'input_size': [128, 128]}
    Net2 {'name': 'net two', 'input_size': [128, 128]}