I'm trying to test a click
command that is async from pytest, but I am hitting the limits of my knowledge of asyncio (or approaching the problem with a wrong architecture)
On one side, I have a click command line, that creates a grpclib
channel to hit a grpc api.
import asyncio
from grpclib import Channel
from functools import wraps
def async_cmd(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return asyncio.run(func(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper
async def main():
async with Channel('', 1234) as channel:
blah = await something(channel)
return 0
Now I'm trying to test things using pytest and pytest-asyncio:
from click.testing import CliRunner
from cli import main
from grpclib.testing import ChannelFor
import pytest
async def test_main()
async with ChannelFor([Service()]) as test_channel:
# Plan is to eventually mock grpclib.Channel with test_channel here.
runner = CliRunner()
My issue is that the async_cmd
around main expects to call asyncio.run
But by the time the test_main
method is called, a loop is already running (launched by pytest).
What should I do?
just responsible for parsing the arguments and calling another function?You are running your own event loop in the async_cmd
decorator with this:
asyncio.run(func(*args, **kwargs))
Therefore, it is not apparent that you need to use @pytest.mark.asyncio
, I suggest trying your testing without it.
If you need an async context manager for a Mock, you can init the context manager in a hook called via the mock as shown below in test_hook()
import asyncio
import click
import functools as ft
import pytest
import time
from unittest import mock
from click.testing import CliRunner
class AsyncContext():
def __init__(self, delay):
self.delay = delay
async def __aenter__(self):
await asyncio.sleep(self.delay)
return self.delay
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
await asyncio.sleep(self.delay)
TestAsyncContext = AsyncContext
def async_cmd(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return asyncio.run(func(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper
async def cli():
async with TestAsyncContext(0.5) as delay:
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('use_mock, min_time, max_time',
((True, 2.5, 3.5), (False, 1.0, 2.0)))
def test_async_cli(use_mock, min_time, max_time):
def test_hook(delay):
return AsyncContext(delay + 0.5)
runner = CliRunner()
start = time.time()
if use_mock:
with mock.patch('test_code.TestAsyncContext', test_hook):
result = runner.invoke(cli)
result = runner.invoke(cli)
stop = time.time()
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.stdout == 'hello\n'
assert min_time < stop - start < max_time
============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 2 items
============================== 2 passed in 4.57s ==============================