I would like to write a decorator to wrap a function with "before" and "after" commands. A first version is below, where the decorated function just outputs hello
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
wrapper(printHello, "world")
func wrapper(f func(), who string) {
fmt.Printf("before function, sending %v\n", who)
fmt.Print("after function\n")
func printHello() {
(Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/vJuQKWpZ2h9)
I now would like to call the decorated function with a parameter (in my case "world"
). In the example above, it is successfully passed to wrapper()
but then I do not know what to do further. I thought that I would just
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
wrapper(printHello, "world") // cannot use printHello as the type func()
func wrapper(f func(), who string) {
fmt.Printf("before function, sending %v\n", who)
f(who) // too many arguments
fmt.Print("after function\n")
func printHello(who string) {
fmt.Printf("hello %v\n", who)
The compilation failes with
.\scratch_11.go:6:9: cannot use printHello (type func(string)) as type func() in argument to wrapper
.\scratch_11.go:11:3: too many arguments in call to f
have (string)
want ()
What is the proper way to pass arguments to the decorated function?
You have to declare the correct variable type for this to work:
func wrapper(f func(string), who string) {