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How to start Apache Drill in Docker Compose

This link explains how to run Apache Drill on Docker.

docker run -i --name drill-1.18.0 -p 8047:8047 -t apache/drill:1.18.0 /bin/bash

I need to run it on Docker Compose, so I set it up:

   version: "3.0"
        image: apache/drill:latest
          - "8047:8047"
          - vol_dask_data:/data
          - /bin/bash

And start it like so:

docker-compose up -d

But the container ends without doing anything, even though I start docker compose with -d.

How to start Drill in Docker Compose?


  • The Drill Dockerfile ends with:

    ENTRYPOINT /opt/drill/bin/drill-embedded

    In the docker run command, this particular construction completely ignores the command given after the image name. In your Compose setup, you replace this (with an entrypoint: line) with a Bash shell, but this shell will immediately exit.

    The other important difference between the docker run command and the Compose setup is the -it options. If you try that docker run command without either -i or -t you will see the Drill prompt, and then the container will immediately exit. If you add back -i then it will wait for a command, and while it's doing that it will accept network connections. The Compose equivalent to this is the stdin_open: true command.

    With this docker-compose.yml I can see the Drill UI on http://localhost:8047:

    version: "3.8"        # a more current version
        image: apache/drill:latest
          - "8047:8047"
        stdin_open: true  # add this line
                          # do not override entrypoint: or command:
                          # include volumes: if required