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How to fix KeyError in python --> KeyError: 'message'?

This error usually should not appear, but recently when I run this, this error appears, and I have no clue how I will fix it. Please if Anyone can help me to fix this error on this code below:

import requests
import json
from time import sleep

global OFFSET

botToken = ""

global requestURL
global sendURL

requestURL = "" + botToken + "/getUpdates"
sendURL = "" + botToken + "/sendMessage"

def update (url):
    global OFFSET

        update_raw = requests.get(url + "?offset=" + str(OFFSET))
        update = update_raw.json()
        result = extract_result(update)

        if result != False:
            OFFSET = result['update_id'] + 1
            return result
            return False

    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:

def extract_result (dict):
    result_array = dict['result']

    if result_array == []:
        return False
        result_dic = result_array[0]
        return result_dic

def is_callback (dict):
    if 'callback_query' in dict:
        return True

def send_message (chatId, message): + "?chat_id=" + str(chatId) + "&text=" + message)

def send_message_button (chatId, message, buttonJSON): + "?chat_id=" + str(chatId) + "&reply_markup=" + buttonJSON + "&text=" + message)
    #print (sendURL + "?chat_id=" + str(chatId) + "&reply_markup=" + buttonJSON + "&text=" + message)

while True:
    newmessage = update (requestURL)

    if newmessage != False:

        if is_callback(newmessage) == True:
            userchatid = newmessage['callback_query']['message']['chat']['id']
            usertext = newmessage['callback_query']['message']['text']
            username = newmessage['callback_query']['message']['chat']['first_name']
            callback_data = newmessage['callback_query']['data']

            send_message (userchatid, "Callback from " + callback_data + ", pressed by " + username)

            userchatid = newmessage['message']['chat']['id']
            usertext = newmessage['message']['text']
            username = newmessage['message']['chat']['first_name']

            if usertext.lower() == "button":
                buttonDict1 = {"text":"Knopf\n" + "hitest", "callback_data":"Knopf"}
                buttonDict2 = {"text":"Knopf2", "callback_data":"Knopf2"}
                buttonArr = {"inline_keyboard":[[buttonDict1, buttonDict2]]}
                send_message_button (userchatid, "Hi " + username, json.dumps(buttonArr))
                send_message(userchatid, "You said: " + usertext)

    sleep (1)

This is the error that appears to me after I run this bot

Line: 67

userchatid = newmessage['message']['chat']['id']

KeyError: 'message'


  • You catch the requests.exceptions.ConnectionError but don't handle it ( in the update function ), so now update does not return False as it returns nothing at all and can pass your check and cause havock.

    Try to deal with the exception, or at least put a print in there to see if it's the one causing you issues, good luck!