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Passing an array as an argument of a function

I have built a function in which the user will insert the array size and then proceed to insert its values

let array_builder =
  let coin = Array.make (10000) 0 in 
  let number_coins = read_int() in
  for i = 0 to (number_coins-1) do 
    let k = read_int() in
    coin.(i) <- (k);

The input looks something like this:

>3 ---> Array size

>10 ---> coin.(0)

>9 ---> coin.(1)

>8 ---> coin.(2)

Is there anyway to pass the array, coin, as an argument to another function?


  • In OCaml array are regular value and can be passed to other function without specific syntax.

    Maybe you want an example. I have created a dummy function that do like your loop.

    let rec array_filler coin_array current_index size =
      if current_index < size then
        let k = read_int() in
        let () = coin_array.(current_index) <- k in
        array_filler coin_array (current_index + 1) size
    let array_builder =
      let number_coins = read_int() in
      let coin = Array.make number_coins 0 in
      array_filler coin 0 number_coins

    I also switched 2 lines so number_coins is available when creating the array (to not reserve more cell if the user don't need more than 10000)