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How to execute automation script using WebDriverManager without connecting to the internet? C#

When I am trying to run the automation script without connecting to the internet, the below exception will be returned:

System.Net.WebException: 'The remote name could not be resolved: '''

Is there any way to execute the script without connecting to the internet (Offline), by using specific chrome version or the version cashed in the WebDriverManager?

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Download the chromedriver from:

    Once you've downloaded the required files extract the zips to a local drive on your computer.

    Make sure to add the path to where you extracting the chromedriver.exe

    IWebDriver chromeDriver = new ChromeDriver(@ "D:\Download\chromedriver"); //<-Add your path
    driver.NetworkConditions = new ChromeNetworkConditions() {
      IsOffline = true, DownloadThroughput = 5000, UploadThroughput = 5000, Latency = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5)

    Note: You could also create an environment variable named on your machine that's value is the path to where the local chromedriver.exe is located. If you set up a variable you would not have to pass the chrome driver argument when you create a ChromeDriver instance