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Error: "SDK emulator directory is missing" in Android Studio on Linux

I'm trying to install android studio on linux manjaro but it shows me following error:

SDK emulator directory is missing

How i can to fix it?

The error mesage:

error screenshot


  • Sorry for my bad English.
    i had this problem in windows 10, but may be my solution works for you.
    i search about this problem for 3 days! and found out this issue occurs because of:

    1. You are using bad VPN:
      for checking this run android studio and manually TYPE (in next item you will know why i am telling this) file address being download in browser. if you can download it, your connection has no problem.
      for example
      Android studio download progress image
    2. Your regional format is not to set English:
      as you can see in previous image, link contains a number (...addons_list-2) but because of regional format it not shown in English format and so it can not be downloaded. i used fiddler to recognize this; in fiddler link contained a "?" instead of "2"; so just change you regional format