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How to check if password matches username in c# using text files?

I'm a student who just started learning C# and I want to know how to check to see if the password matches the username in a text file.

static void CheckExist()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter username: ");  //ask the user for the username and store in a variable 
            string EuserName = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter password: "); //ask the user for the password and store in a variable 
            string EpassWord = Console.ReadLine();

            string [] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename);  //read all lines of the file into an array
            bool UserExist = false;  //declares a Boolean variable to track if the user/password exists
            string[] x;

            foreach (string i in lines)//foreach string in the array
                x = i.Split(","); //split the line on comma and store in an array X
                if (x[0] == EuserName && x[2] == EpassWord)  //if x index 0 equals the username and x index 2 equals the password
                    UserExist = true; // user exists, set the Boolean variable and exit loop
            } //end of loop 
            if (UserExist == false)
                Console.WriteLine("User doesn't exist");

            //if the Boolean variable is still false the user didn't exist, otherwise they did


This is the updated code, proved working


  • Implement the following logic:

    //ask the user for the username and store in a variable 
    //ask the user for the password and store in a variable 
    //read all lines of the file into an array
    //declare a Boolean variable to track if the user/password exists
    //foreach string in the array
      //split the line on comma and store in an array X
      //if x index 0 equals the username and x index 2 equals the password
        // user exists, set the Boolean variable and exit loop
    //end of loop 
    //if the Boolean variable is still false the user didn't exist, otherwise they did

    This is what you should do when you code: write the logic out in the language you think in and then translate it to c#. From the code in your question you already know how to do all the above