I have two sheets.
One is an unpivoted sheet with groups and associated IDs(that is persons in this group) like this:
group | id |
Group1 | ID1 |
Group2 | ID2 |
Group2 | ID4 |
Group3 | ID1 |
Group3 | ID2 |
Group3 | ID3 |
The second is rooms and the group with access to that room:
room1 | room2 | room3 |
Group1 | Group3 | Group1 |
Group2 |
I want to get an output like this using the google query in a new sheet. Where the groups have been replaced by their IDs:
room1 | room2 | room3 |
ID1 | ID1 | ID1 |
ID2 | ID2 | |
ID3 | ID4 |
My original dataset has over 1000 IDs, 100 groups, and 30 rooms.
Sheet 1:
Sheet 2:
Sheet 3:
Formula for cell A2
=query({Sheet1!$A:$B},"select Col2 where Col1 matches '"&textjoin("|",true,Sheet2!A2:A)&"' ",0)
Then drag right, eg., cell B2
=query({Sheet1!$A:$B},"select Col2 where Col1 matches '"&textjoin("|",true,Sheet2!B2:B)&"' ",0)
Cell C2
=query({Sheet1!$A:$B},"select Col2 where Col1 matches '"&textjoin("|",true,Sheet2!C2:C)&"' ",0)