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Configure Daily Volume Cap Warning Level via ARM Template

Under the "Usage and estimated costs" blade for an Azure Application Insights instance, the "Daily cap" window allows for a warning to be sent when a certain percentage of the daily volume cap has been reached.

By default, this warning level is 90% - but it can be set to any percentage. Is there a way to set this percentage via an ARM template, instead of manually in the Azure Portal?


  • Example ARM template for setting app insights quota including the warning threshold is below. This will set a limit of 5GiB with warning of 90% and resets at 23:00 each day.:

          "name": "[concat(parameters('appInsightsName'),'/Basic')]",
          "type": "Microsoft.Insights/components/CurrentBillingFeatures",
          "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
          "apiVersion": "2015-05-01",
          "dependsOn": [
            "[resourceId('Microsoft.Insights/components', parameters('appInsightsName'))]"
          "properties": {
            "CurrentBillingFeatures": "Basic",
            "DataVolumeCap": {
              "Cap": 5,
              "WarningThreshold": 90,
              "ResetTime": 23