I have the following web page
</div><a href="https://www.emag.ro/laptop-lenovo-thinkbook-15-iil-cu-procesor-intel-core-i7-1065g7-pana-la-3-90-ghz-15-6-full-hd-16gb-512gb-ssd-intel-iris-plus-graphics-free-dos-mineral-grey-20sm003jrm/pd/DKBK1TMBM/#reviews-section" rel="nofollow" class="star-rating-container js-product-url" data-zone="reviews"><div class="star-rating star-rating-read rated-4.02 star-rating-sm ">
<div class="star-rating-inner " style="width: 100%"></div>
</div><div class="star-rating-text ">
I want to extract the rating from this product. For this product, the rating is defined here.
<div class="star-rating star-rating-read rated-4.02 star-rating-sm ">
And i cannot extract 4.02.
My code looks like :
rating = container.find_all(class_="star-rating star-rating-read rated")[0].text
I know that the above code is not ok, I was able to extract the price and name of the product but I can't extract the rating :(
Try something like this:
rating = str(container.find_all(class_="star-rating")[0])
rindex = rating.index("rated")