Please how can i hide Bottom Navigation in a particular page in nativescript core? The code for my BottomNavigation is in App-root.xml file. this makes it visible on all pages, i'm trying to hide it from a specific page. Below is my app-root.xml file
<BottomNavigation id="bottomNav">
<TabStrip backgroundColor="#3f3f3f">
<TabStripItem class="navigation__item">
Note TabStripItem will only accept single Label and/or single Image elements that it
will "adopt"; any other layout elements you try to specify will be ignored
<Label text="Play" />
<Image src="font://" class="fas t-36" />
<TabStripItem class="navigation__item">
<Label text="Trending" />
<Image src="font://" class="fas t-36" />
<TabStripItem class="navigation__item">
<Label text="Account" />
<Image src="font://" class="fas t-36" />
<Frame defaultPage="home/home-items-page" />
<Frame defaultPage="browse/browse-page" />
<Frame defaultPage="search/search-page" />
For anyone who is searching for a simple solution : Try this:
<TabStrip visibility="collapsed">
It worked for me.