Dear friends and gurus here:
I am working on a python script to power off/on instances based on two tag values. I have two tags assigned to each ec2 instances. One is "schedule_name" tag which defines what schedule it should be powered off/on, the other is "skip_shutdown" tag which should remove that instance from shutdown schedule and reset its value to "no". (this works as a temporary switch for un-Normal reason not powering it off)
I got trapped here by how to use stacked "tag['key']
here is my code
for instance in instances:
for tag in instance.tags:
if tag['Key'] == 'Schedule_Name':
if tag['Value'] == 'App' and current_time == app_off.get(current_dayoftheweek):
if tag['Key'] == 'skip_shutdown':
if tag['Value'] == 'yes':
# reset the tag value to "no" for this tag
if tag['Value'] == 'no':
# add this instance to stopInstances variable to stop it.
In for
-loop you should only get values and assing to variables.
And after for
-loop you should use both variables to on/off
for instance in instances:
# - before loop `for tag`-
Schedule_Name = None
skip_shutdown = None
# - loop `for tag`-
for tag in instance.tags:
if tag['Key'] == 'Schedule_Name':
Schedule_Name = tag['Value']
elif tag['Key'] == 'skip_shutdown':
skip_shutdown = tag['Value']
# - after loop `for tag`-
if Schedule_Name == 'App' and current_time == app_off.get(current_dayoftheweek):
if skip_shutdown == 'yes':
# reset the tag value to "no" for this tag
elif tag['Value'] == 'no':
# add this instance to stopInstances variable to stop it.