For the AP Bill screen AP301000 I want to show the Customer for each line item in the 'Document Details' grid. To do this I am creating a customisation project with a custom virtual attribute on the APTran table. I have tried many permutations of the attribute, the below is the latest.
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Customer", Enabled=false)]
InnerJoin<PMProject, On<PMProject.contractID, Equal<APTran.projectID>>,
InnerJoin<AR.Customer, On<PMProject.customerID, Equal<AR.Customer.bAccountID>>,
InnerJoin<BAccountR, On<AR.Customer.bAccountID, Equal<BAccountR.bAccountID>>>>>>))]
It 'should' return the customer legal name from the BAccount table through the relevant joins. However it returns a vendor name instead (not in the customer table).
The generated SQL code is below, the system has made a mess of it. For some reason it has an inner join to the vendor table, which is plainly not in my PXDBScalar attribute decoration.
How can I adjust the attribute decoration to obtain the customer name?
(SELECT TOP (1) [BAccount_BAccount].[legalname]
FROM ( [vendor] [BAccount_Vendor]
INNER JOIN [baccount] [BAccount_BAccount]
ON ( [BAccount_BAccount].[companyid] = 2 )
[BAccount_BAccount].[deleteddatabaserecord] = 0
AND [BAccount_Vendor].[baccountid] =
LEFT JOIN [fsxvendor] [BAccount_FSxVendor]
ON ( [BAccount_FSxVendor].[companyid] = 2 )
[BAccount_FSxVendor].[deleteddatabaserecord] = 0
AND [BAccount_Vendor].[baccountid] =
[BAccount_FSxVendor].[baccountid] )
INNER JOIN [contract] [PMProject]
ON ( [PMProject].[companyid] IN ( 1, 2 )
AND 8 = Substring([PMProject].[companymask],
1, 1) & 8 )
AND [PMProject].[deleteddatabaserecord] = 0
AND ( [PMProject].[companyid] IN ( 1, 2 )
AND 8 = Substring(
[PMProject].[companymask], 1, 1)
& 8
AND [PMProject].[deleteddatabaserecord] = 0
AND [PMProject].[contractid] =
INNER JOIN ( [customer] [Customer_Customer]
INNER JOIN [baccount] [Customer_BAccount]
ON ( [Customer_BAccount].[companyid]
= 2 )
= 0
[Customer_Customer].[baccountid] =
LEFT JOIN [fsxcustomer]
ON (
[Customer_FSxCustomer].[companyid] = 2 )
[Customer_FSxCustomer].[deleteddatabaserecord] = 0
AND [Customer_Customer].[baccountid] =
[Customer_FSxCustomer].[baccountid] )
ON [PMProject].[customerid] = [Customer_BAccount].[baccountid]
AND ( [Customer_Customer].[companyid] = 2 )
AND [Customer_Customer].[deleteddatabaserecord] = 0
INNER JOIN [baccount] [BAccountR]
ON ( [BAccountR].[companyid] = 2 )
AND [BAccountR].[deleteddatabaserecord] = 0
AND ( [BAccountR].[companyid] = 2 )
AND [BAccountR].[deleteddatabaserecord] = 0
AND [Customer_BAccount].[baccountid] =
WHERE ( [BAccount_Vendor].[companyid] = 2 )
AND [BAccount_Vendor].[deleteddatabaserecord] = 0
ORDER BY [BAccount_BAccount].[legalname]) AS [UsrCustomerName],
Try creating a new class for the BAccountR table and using the PXBreakInheritance attribute, and then use this new table to do your lookup.
namespace Custom.Extension
public class CustomBAccountR: BAccountR { }
public sealed class APTranExtension : PXCacheExtension<APTran>
#region ProjectCustomerID
public abstract class projectCustomerID : BqlInt.Field<projectCustomerID> { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Customer Legal Name", Enabled=false)]
SubstituteKey = typeof(CustomBAccountR.acctCD),
DescriptionField = typeof(CustomBAccountR.legalName))]
public int? ProjectCustomerID { get; set; }
You can now use the description field in your ASPX to display out the value.