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How to show custom 404 error page for the subfolder in php?

I am developing a project in which I want to show my custom error page for 404 error. The codes that I have used are working but not totally. So at first, I am showing the structure for my project then the problems I have.

My site name is in which I have 4 files and a folder, files are index.php, about.php, error.php, .htaccess and folder name is admin.

In the admin folder I have lots of pages that I am loading with one single page in index.php. the URLs to access any page I am doing it with like this, so when page is login it shows me the login page.

Up to this everything is good, now I have used a code in .htaccess

ErrorDocument 404 /error.php

So after using it when I am trying to access a wrong URL such as it shows me the code written in error.php which is quite natural for my code. So when I am trying to access again two wrong URLs like and it is not showing me the code written in error.php rather it shows me just a message File Not Found.

I want that these two types of wrong URLs it should show me the code written in error.php.

Interestingly what I want is easily happens in localhost but not on in server. I cannot understand why it is working perfectly fine in localhost but not on the server. So how can I do that please help me to complete it?


  • I don't know that whether it can work for you or not? But you can give it a try i think it can resolve your issue which is quite similar to the previously asked question on stack overflow htaccess 404 page redirect not working for sub directory path brilliantly answered by @anubhava. I hope it can help you to solve the issue. Also if the above does not help you out then you can also visit this 2 links SOLVED "File not found." instead of custom 404 file with php-fpm enabled & SOLVED "File not found" appears instead of 404.shtml (easy htaccess solution)