I'm trying to create a new column with the range of numbers from 0-40 in the total impressions column.
I'm trying to utilize the ifelse function, if that pertains here. This is what I have so far:
group1 <-rocketfuel[rocketfuel$total_impr==<-ifelse(rocketfuel$total_imp<=40, rocketfuel$tot_impr ]
The goal is to break up the customers into 6 group based on number of impressions, so group 1 will be 0-40 impressions, group 2 will be 41-80 impressions and so on.
Update: Utilizing one of the solutions given below, which is almost exactly what I'm looking for
rocketfuel$group1 <- ifelse(rocketfuel$tot_impr<=40,1,NA)
Instead of the group1 column spitting out the #1, I want it to spit out #21, is that possible?
Figured it out!
Are you trying to subset the values of users who had fewer than 40 impressions or are you trying to create a group of users? Also, make sure your column names are consistent in the call (e.g. "total_imp" vs "total_impr").
rocketfuel <- data.frame(user_id=c(1069124,1119715,1144181,1435133,1015700),
If you are trying to create a group, just add it as its own variable(column). Using ifelse() is similar to excel, you can do something like this
rocketfuel$group_lt_40 <- ifelse(rocketfuel$total_impr<=40,1,NA)
if you're trying to create a column of impressions under 40, you can still use ifelse() and keep the original value of impressions try:
rocketfuel$group_lt_40_impr <-ifelse(rocketfuel$total_impr<=40,rocketfuel$total_impr,NA)