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How to get node variables out of an error

I have a short function, where if anything goes wrong at any part of the process, I can get the data from previous parts of the process and write them out for future investigation. For example:

try {
  let $var1 := element outer {
    element inner {"test"}
  let $var2 := element outer2 {
    element inner2 {"test2"}
  let $var3 as xs:string := 2
  return ()
catch($e) {
    element toplevel {
      element test1 {$e/error:stack/error:frame/error:variables/error:variable[error:name eq "var1"]/error:value},
      element test2 {$e/error:stack/error:frame/error:variables/error:variable[error:name eq "var2"]/error:value}

This produces the record:

    <error:value xmlns:error=""><outer><inner>test</inner></outer></error:value>
    <error:value xmlns:error=""><outer2><inner2>test2</inner2></outer2></error:value>

When I'd like to produce this:


Any thoughts? It's possible that an "error" record only keeps a shortened version of what was in the variable, not the whole value. If that's so, can anyone think of another way to get data after an unexpected break?

Addendum: Though the solution given will work for passing small variables through error, longer variables are truncated.


  • Similar to what Martin Honnen suggested in the comments, but instead of * you might consider using node() so that if any variables happen not to be elements, they are still selected:

    element toplevel {
      element test1 {$e/error:stack/error:frame/error:variables/error:variable[error:name eq "var1"]/error:value/node()},
      element test2 {$e/error:stack/error:frame/error:variables/error:variable[error:name eq "var2"]/error:value/node()}