I have been trying to create a line item within a .bat or .ps script that toggles the "Show hidden files/folders" option ON. I am having no luck so far. I have tried using the get-childitem
command in various flavors and it's not working for me. What am I missing? Is this even something that can be done?
Working from Ash's fine script,here's a slight enhancement. This allows a third option of no parameter which will just toggles the current setting.
function Show-HiddenFiles {
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False,Position=0)]
[String] $Setting
# Define the path to the registry key that contains the
# registry value/subkey
$Path = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" +
#No argument toggle setting..
If ($Args.Count -eq 0) {
$GIPArgs = @{Path = $Path
Name = "Hidden"}
If ((Get-ItemProperty @GIPArgs ).Hidden -eq 1) {
$Value = 2
Else {$Value = 1}
Else {
# Set a variable with the value we want to set on the
# registry value/subkey.
If ($Setting -eq "On" ) { $Value = 1 }
Else { $Value = 2 }
# Set the registry value/subkey.
Set-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name Hidden -Value $Value
# Refresh open Explorer windows.
# You will need to refresh the window if you have none
# currently open.
# Create the Shell.Application ComObject
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
# For each one of the open windows, refresh it.
$Shell.Windows() | ForEach-Object { $_.Refresh() }