I have a observable and a behaviour subject. I want to get their latest values, check if they are both true and assign the result to an observable.
Observable will select a boolean from the NgRx Store:
BehaviourSubject is also a boolean
This is my approach.
this.result$ = this.i18nStateService.defaultMarketChangeTriggered()
map(defaultMarketChangedTriggered => defaultMarketChangedTriggered && !this.cookieService.isCookieLayerConfirmed$)
I think you need a combination approach. Try using combineLatest
import { combineLatest } from 'rxjs';
this.result$ = combineLatest(this.i18nStateService.defaultMarketChangeTriggered(),
// pluck the combination of those two observables individually to these variables
map(([defaultMarketChangeTriggered, isCookieLayerConfirmed]) => defaultMarketChangeTriggered && isCookieLayerConfirmed),