Search code examples

Postgres Consecutive Days, gaps and islands, Tabibitosan


I have the following database table:

date name
2014-08-10 bob
2014-08-10 sue
2014-08-11 bob
2014-08-11 mike
2014-08-12 bob
2014-08-12 mike
2014-08-05 bob
2014-08-06 bob
SELECT t.Name,COUNT(*) as frequency
    SELECT Name,Date,
            row_number() OVER (
            ORDER BY Date
            ) - row_number() OVER (
            PARTITION BY Name ORDER BY Date
            ) + 1 seq
    FROM orders
    ) t
GROUP BY Name,seq;

Tried running the Tabibitosan method of finding gaps and islands produces the below table which is incorrect. The name "mike" should actually have a count of 2 since the 11th and 12th days are consecutive. How do I fix this?

name frequency
mike 1
bob 3
bob 2
mike 1
sue 1

Correct expected output below:

name frequency
bob 3
bob 2
mike 2
sue 1


  • You are using the wrong logic. Basically, you want dates that are sequential, so you want to subtract the sequence from the date:

    SELECT t.Name, COUNT(*) as frequency
    FROM (SELECT o.*,
                 row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY Name ORDER BY Date) as seqnum
          FROM orders o
         ) t
    GROUP BY Name, date - seqnum * interval '1 day';

    Here is a db<>fiddle.