I'm trying to store a Map into android's internal storage.
My code:
private void saveFavorite(){
LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<MyCustomObject>> favorites = new LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<MyCustomObject>>();
InputStream file = openFileInput(PATH);
BufferedInputStream buffer = new BufferedInputStream( file );
ObjectInput input = new ObjectInputStream ( buffer );
Object o = input.readObject();
if(o instanceof LinkedHashMap<?, ?>)
favorites = (LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<MyCustomObject>>)o;
catch(ClassNotFoundException ex){
catch(IOException ex){
String favoriteName = "asd";
favorites.put(favoriteName, myobject);
FileOutputStream fos;
try {
fos = openFileOutput(PATH, MODE_APPEND);
BufferedOutputStream buffer = new BufferedOutputStream( fos );
ObjectOutput output = new ObjectOutputStream( buffer );
}catch(IOException ex){
MyCustomObject implements Serializable
While debugging I don't see any problem. It seems it reads an empty map, then writes the map with a value but when I read it again, map is empty.
Help please.
UPDATE: I have found inside /data/data/my_project_package_structure/files/ a file called like my var PATH. It's growing in size each time I call my save method so I think it writes well but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
try {
**fos = openFileOutput(PATH, MODE_APPEND);**
BufferedOutputStream buffer = new BufferedOutputStream( fos );
Should be
**fos = openFileOutput(PATH, MODE_PRIVATE);**