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Create REG_NONE registry value in Inno Setup

I am experimenting with creating Setup exe files. I use Inno Setup and I found a problem. When I create a REG_NONE entry, it gets ignored while installing the program.

Root: HKA; Subkey: "Software\Classes\{#MyAppAssocExtmidi}\OpenWithProgIds"; \
  ValueType: none; ValueName: "WMP11.AssocFile.MIDI" ; ValueData: ""; \
  Flags: uninsdeletevalue


I just want to create a REG_NONE entry with the ValueDATA of 00000000 (binary zero). I need it for .midi files to work. The problem I have when I compile the setup exe and then install it, there is no REG_NONE created. It does create all other like BINARY or SZ but not the NONE entry


  • Inno Setup cannot create REG_NONE registry values. The purpose of the none keyword is different.

    You would have to resort to creating the key using an external tool, for example using the reg command:

    Filename: reg; Parameters: "add ""Software\Classes\{#MyAppAssocExtmidi}\OpenWithProgIds"" /v WMP11.AssocFile.MIDI /t REG_NONE"

    And similarly for uninstall using [UninstallRun].